Gorgeous isn't it! I've been seeing red a lot this week, literally and metaphorically. Who'd have thought such a gorgeous colour could ruin my week.
It all started with a can of red paint called 'Autumn Rust' destined for above the picture rail of my kitchen lounge area and if lucky, a little below the picture rail as well.... I know that was back in January when I painted up the sample to get a feel for the colour and if we liked it or not. Well I've taken some time off work to finish as much of our long overdue renovations as possible. We've had enough and have paid the deposit to start building a new house.
Crack the lid, lets get into it. Hmmm... My 'Autumn Rust' looked strangely bubbly. Lets pour a little into the paint tray.... Bubbly? Let's rephrase that... more like Cappuccino Froth? Let's roll a little onto the wall.... Arr, That can't be right. Where are all the bubbles surfacing from and why? OK Coffee Break! Lets phone the Customer Service Number on the can.

Yes sir... I'm following the directions...
Yes sir... We've heated the room to the desired temperature.
Prepping... Yep done that too and used the Grey Undercoat recommended...
Was the can shaken when originally mixed at the store? Yes sir (raised eyebrow, duh! who uses a stick these days?)
OK well the store must have frothed your paint by over shaking it, that colour should be hand stirred...you'll have to let it sit for few days to settle out then try using it again.
What the! A couple of days! Yeah right. This jobs been put off for months, I'm not waiting a few more days. Did I mention the chunks of rust inside the can? Perhaps the quality of the paint has deteriorated. It was an old can after all.
And what about what's on the wall already??????? Let it dry and then sand off. Arrrrrrrrrrrggggghh! Looks Good doesn't it....NOT! Back to the store....

Stuff it, I'm not waiting any longer. Give me that Dulux 'Red Box'. That should be red enough for me! Just hope it's not too red for hubby!!!! LOL.
Well tonight we finished the painting and although I'm not that thrilled with the Antique White chosen for the lower wall and ceiling (it's a bit too yellow for me) the red is 'bloody' awesome against the kitchen. And hubby thinks it's pretty nice too.

Next job is to complete the installation of the top kitchen capping and paint the top coat enamel around the window surrounds. Then get the timber floor sanded and sealed.... hang some window furnishings... a few pictures on the wall...
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