Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Bunny Love

I forgot to mention yesterdays surprise. Four beautiful little baggy skinned wobbly baby bunnies in the hutch bedding. I knew there was a possibility that Angel (a ginger hymalayian lop ear) was 'with bunny' but not sure exactly when. Last week we had a couple of stinking hot days 42 deg C so Angel was in a different run with more space and lots of shade. She was extremely happy to be back in her hutch and immediately started ripping out great chunks of fur for nest building. 2 days later this little bundle was found.

The nest contains two black rabbits and two white and grey or black mottled babes just like their dad 'Floppy', a dwarf lop eared bun. All have been weighed, tipping the scales at 33 grams with the girls eager to watch and record their progress. This explains Angels severe case of PMS and bad behaviour!

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