- BBQ - Almost There!
- Quilt Frame - Just waiting for the paint to dry
- Baste Quilts - Haven't started yet. Just waiting for the paint to dry
- Plastering - got side tracked and plastered the kitchen instead. I consider this an exchange. Will tackle the Laundry in February instead.

Here we have a rather elegant quartet of solid maple quilting legs, lightly coated in a rather disgraceful cocktail of dust, cobwebs, bird poo and fly droppings. The master craftsman responsible for their lovely appearance would be horrified that I let them sit for so long. I wanted to create a simple adjustable quilting frame, but wasn't happy with their very plain appearance so I decided they needed a touch of decorative moulding around the base? Good idea Josephine, but in my haste I bought the wrong size moulding and it was too big for my saw. Crap! Time to pull out a favour. My woodworking friend... let's call him Mr Perfectionist, happily abilged and returned to me four beautiful legs with just the right nip and tuck here and there. The detail is lovely. Thank you D.

Four beautifully oiled, three coats (8 hours dry time between coats) each coat lovingly sanded with 400 grit wet and dry paper and wiped smooth just as the instructions detailed. They must rest for a week to fully harden, so unfortunately I can't finish the rails until then. I just need to staple calico to each four rails so that my quilts can be pinned and pulled square (or not) to finish. It looks like I may not achieve basting my quilts by end Jan after all.
But I will have the BBQ finished. Tomorrow in fact! (which will actually be today now that I've looked at the clock) Just after I make a quick dash to Bunnings for two spacers and some leather washers that I lost in the grass today, I mean yesterday. That's the only thing stopping me from putting it back together. So tomorrow, i mean today, let me show you how I turned this pile of crap (destined for the tip on the trailer) back into our once loved BBQ!